This will be the most revealing of the UFO parade. Wow! I knew I had all these projects, but somehow they seemed smaller when they were folded up in the drawers. I would rather not date these projects because they are some of my oldest UFOs. Many of these are class samples.
- Snowman table topper
- 2 More Snowmen table toppers
- 2 winter Banners
- Winter wall hanging from a beginner class that I taught
- Mystery sampler from long ago at a retreat
- (top right) Ugly fabric table topper challenge
- (middle right) Strippy baby quilt
- (bottom Left) Crazy Stars - King Size
- (bottom right) pastel log cabin baby quilt
Stories: #1 - I had a quilting plan but I didn't feel confident to execute it so I packed it away, #4 - I thought it needed borders...Why??, #5 I didn't like it so I never finished it.
- Fall Banner
- Spring Banner
- Summer Banner
These were all class samples.
- Ugly block challenge. Some of these are actually fun, and it was a great learning tool.
- Stiles and path blocks....and lots of them.
Applique wall hanging- love the colors, love the pattern, no desire to finish the appliqueHoliday topper - missing the applique. Does it really need it? I think not - finish and gift to a non-sewer as they won't notice how uneven it is ;-)
- My quilt group bought me this vintage top for Christmas
- A special friend made me this king size tumbler quilt - pieced by hand. I want to add a few borders so it covers the mattress
Bonnie Hunter Pattern- Virginia Bound. Let's just say I like paper piecing LESS than applique. These few blocks were enough for me.
Christmas Tree Skirt - Will have to do some serious thinking on what the pattern is. As I look at the pile of blocks, I am wondering what I was thinking with the colors. Perhaps when I lay them out I won't be thinking about the trash. I think it makes a hexagon, but I will have to think some more on it.Table topper that I was trying the technique. I was tired of it when I had to repress and arrange the pieces. Let me clarify that I didn't read the directions well and that is why I had to re-press themSuper easy Runner that I was testing. Thank goodness my helper is only counting the soldiers and not my projects.

Fall Wall hanging- I actually took this apart a few years ago because I didn't like the small pumpkin color. I replaced it with the more muted color. I like this project. I am not sure why I never finished it.

More class projects - A fall and spring runner Simple striped runnerSnowman wall hanging done with Chenille - another applique- Patches and pinwheels- needs a border (even my helper has grown weary of the photo shoot)
- Bow Ties - This is my oldest UFO. It needed one more border. I should have done that when I had the plan straight in my head
- I think this was going to be a wall quilt in the TV room- good news...It still matches. (Top left)
- These are different blocks than number 1, but the same fabric. (Top right)
- Duplicate (bottom left)....
- Pile of 25 patch blocks - alias bingo squares
Spring Runner
I hope I captured them all - Yes, 35 UFOs in this post alone. On the bright side, lots of these projects are small in size and they shouldn't take long to quilt and finish.
I am not finished. Stop back on Sunday for part 4 where I reveal the balance and the grand total. I decided that I would not count the projects that I have cut out but not started.
My kids often ask me- What are you going to do with all these when you finish them. Do any of you worry about that?
If you have any questions about my projects or where I got the patterns, just leave me a comment. I love to hear from my readers!!
Oh my gosh, that is a lot! And quite a variety! Some of those would be very loved by friends and family. :)
Oh my! I do believe that I have found someone that has as many UFO's as I do. LOL! I would really hate to count mine.
OK girl, you need to stop blogging about your UFOs and get that sewing machine humming!!!
(Says the person who has just as many UFOs....mostly at the flimsie stage.) ;0(
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